Nice Things People Have Said...
Dear Pastor Steve,
Let me take a moment now that we are six weeks out from our conference with you to express my gratitude to God for bringing the team to our church and community. Without doubt the Lord Jesus is moving through our church and you are a big part of that. As you know, we have been praying the entire year for the Holy Spirit to begin moving in our midst. The conference we had with you was a big breakthrough for us. Not only did we have physical and emotional healings, but we are now following up on those who received spiritual gifting from the Holy Spirit. Without doubt our congregation has a greater zeal for Jesus, for sharing Him with others, and an expectancy for God to move in our midst. Thank you again for coming to share the empowerment of the Holy Spirit with us at CCOH. If I can answer any questions for others who are considering to have you in their church, please send them my way.
Yours in the peace, power, and purpose of Jesus,
Jeff Wuertz
Pastor, CCOH
Some comments from the Holy Spirit Weekend at Victory Lutheran Church, Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada:
"As a life-long Lutheran and now a pastor for 14 years, I was uncertain what to expect when Pastor Steve and the team came to our congregation to lead a workshop. We have always believed in prayer, in healing, in God's power working through His people. However, we have always felt more comfortable compartmentalizing God, allowing Him to often, only work thorough our accepted norms. Over the two day event we were led through God's Words of Scripture and in prayer. Over the two day event we had many people come to better understand the power of God when we remove the restrictions. Many of those who attended came away with a richer appreciation of letting God be God and the value of opening ourselves up to be recipients of His blessings. We say we believe in miracles. Through our Healing Prayer time we were able to reaffirm the true power of God to grant miracles and heal His people as He desires. Thank you Steve and Roxana – you were a blessing from God for us."
-- Rev. Bill Lowrey, Sr. Pastor, Holy Cross Lutheran Church - Arlington, TX
"This is remarkable! We get to talk about the Holy Spirit AND it’s in a Lutheran setting! Usually, in my experience, it’s only one or the other. I have been a pastor in the Lutheran Church— Missouri Synod since1994. My S.T.M. work was on Dr. Martin Luther’s teaching on sanctification; and I have always been interested in the work of the Holy Spirit, but from a solidly Lutheran perspective. I am more skeptical than most when it comes to the more flaky Charismatic stuff of the Enthusiasts, or "schwarmerei" as Luther calls them. These are the people, he says, who act like they’ve "swallowed the Holy Spirit feathers and all." That’s why I was so pleased to find out about Pastor Steve Stutz and his ministry team. I have been to their workshop on healing prayer and their workshop on the Holy Spirit. Both of these workshops were encouraging in the work of the Holy Spirit AND done in an environment that is "safe for LCMS Lutherans." That is not to say that you won’t be challenged, because you definitely will be! But isn’t that what you want in a really good workshop? They offer something that challenges you to grow but doesn’t take you off the deep end! I have served on the Texas District Commission on Prayer and Spiritual Formation for the last few years with Steve, and I highly encourage everyone to consider prayerfully this wonderful resource. What a blessing!
--Rev. Ernie Bernet, Pastor, St. Mark Lutheran Church – Mineral Wells, TX
"This was a blessing for our ministry at St. John. It is time Lutherans take prayer for the sick and the work of the Holy Spirit seriously. First of all, and of first importance, the team spoke clearly the Word of God in everything they proposed before doing anything else. Nothing they said or did was not rooted in the Word and yes--even our Confessions! My people really did not know what to expect and were pleasantly surprised at the gentle and loving way the whole team taught and worked among us. The Lord showed up, but not in the ways people expect when they think of healing ministry, but with peace, quietness, and faith. When Naaman the Syrian showed up to Elisha for healing he expected him to wave his hands and says something but instead he simply told Namaan, “Go and wash.” In the same way they were just as simple and just as trusting in the Lord and His Word to accomplish his work among us. Pastor Steve can be a blessing to your parish as well."
---Rev. Charles R. Miller, St. John Lutheran Church, Lake Charles, LA
"We thank you so much for coming and sharing your lives and your ministry with us. As we seek to follow the will of the Father, our hearts and minds needed to be open to the works and words of the Holy Spirit. I was very impressed with your use of Scripture and common sense to help us prepare to listen to the Spirit. We had a number of people who were profoundly touched during this weekend. It is our fervant hope to have you back sometime to teach us further. Right now we will begin taking "baby steps" by developing a time of "soaking prayer" here at St. Paul. Jesus said he would build his church and the gates of hell would not prevail against it. For this church to thrive it has to be His work. Many blessings on your ministry."
--Rev. Wayne K. Frost, St. Paul Lutheran Church, Big Spring, Texas
"Twenty-seven years ago I was diagnosed with scoliosis and spinal stenosis. I’ve been to spine specialists, had spinal steroid injections, physical therapy, chiropractic and acupuncture. Nothing seemed to help and the condition worsened. Every couple of years I made the rounds of the spine specialists to see if there were any new treatments. About 10 yrs. ago I became resigned to the effects of my condition and its limitations. Strangely, I was not praying for healing during this time but reasoned that maybe God was telling me, like he told Paul, that he was not going to remove the thorn in the flesh but that his grace is sufficient.
Something changed at the Holy Spirit Conference in October. I began to believe that I could be healed so I started praying with great expectancy for what God could do. I went up for prayer twice at the conference and in the following weeks healers from our prayer team prayed over me twice. At first I didn’t feel any change. But after a few weeks I began to notice that I was able to do some things I haven’t done in a long time without pain. During this time God spoke to me in my spirit about going back to physical therapy again to strengthen my core muscles and the muscles that support my back. I believe that through this choice God is healing me.
Recently I read a quote that stated “the Holy Spirit is the source of physical strength and health, but there is something far higher than divine healing, and that is divine health. It is one thing to have the Lord touch us until we are delivered from our infirmities, but it is another thing to have Him possess us with His life, and our life become His life manifest in our mortal flesh.” I now feel that joy of the Lord in my life. I’ve discovered that the cure for complacency is to pray with great expectancy. If you don’t expect God to move, he won’t."
--Janet Swenson, testimony from conference at CCOH
"Pastor Steve and his team bring a truly biblical message of what it means to be intimate with God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Personally, my relationship with Christ and awareness of the Holy Spirit has deepened from attending the conference and soaking prayer. Their genuineness and experience of walking intimately with the Lord enriches each session. Many thanks for all the lives you touch with God's message."
--Jadi Meyer, Christ the King Church, Kingwood, Texas
"Pastor Steve and team, we have had many wonderful comments about the time you spent with us and the wonderful ministry you have. As you may remember we also had Pastor Bill Christianson spend 5 days with us looking at our church, teaching classes on pastoral care and conflict resolution. There were many tie-ins to the foundations laid out by you in truly connecting with the power of the Holy Spirit and our future as a church. We have held two prayer and share meetings where people have expressed joy over the opportunity to share the work of the Holy Spirit several saying that though they had the gift of tongues they had been afraid to tell anyone in our church about it --unbelievable but the Devil is indeed a powerful force. Thank you for the information about speaking in tongues as we have many questions and are truly trying to obey God's will for us one day at a time. As you probably know there is much distrust in our church and so we are trying to be a gentle as possible. Personally, your time with us has been like a watershed of possibilities and yet I feel so calm and confident in the power of the Holy Spirit and pray each day to simply be obedient to God's leading and direction. Today Martha, Eleanor and I are going to meet with Pastor Shane to let him know how successful the conference was and to see how he is doing. There is a lot of things happening at the church and Pastor Jay has been very careful to lead the congregation forward and direct them to have a more personal relationship with Jesus and focus on what is truly important in the life of a church. We hope you had a successful trip to Africa and are glad you are home safe and sound there is so much work for your team to do here and we pray that doors and hearts will continue to open to you."
--Carol Piea, Victory Lutheran Church, Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada
"I was introduced to Pastor Steve Stutz and his ministry team through my own pastor when I served as a deaconess in Groves, Texas. We were interested in starting an Alpha class at our church and visited Pastor Steve to find out how he had introduced Alpha and how it was going for his church. Little did I know that meeting this group of people would change my spiritual life completely around. Over the course of time that I was in Texas, I was able to attend soaking prayer times at Good Shepherd many times. I discovered that this kind of quiet, contemplative prayer in communion with my Lord was exactly what I needed and was more meaningful to me than all of the years of formulaic prayers that I have been taught to say. The pastor of my home church was also very impressed with it, and we introduced our own version of soaking prayer at our church in Groves, which I understand is continuing even though I am no longer serving with them. Through this kind of Christian meditation, I also gained an appreciation for individual confession and absolution, which before then had been something foreign to my Lutheran upbringing. At one point there was some turmoil going on in my life, and I trusted Pastor Steve enough, through the time I'd spent with him and the others in soaking prayer, to allow him to hear my confession. What a wonderful relief it was to have him speak the words of absolution to me! And with my sin personally absolved, how much closer did I feel that night to my Lord in prayer! Circumstances have now landed me in Virginia, and in this time I remember the teaching that I received in how to still my soul and listen for God's voice, although I truly miss the community that I experienced in soaking prayer and the words of encouragement I received so many times from the members of Good Shepherd's prayer team. I truly pray that the Lord would continue to bless this and that this revival of ancient Christian spirituality would continue to take root within the Lutheran church. I don't know how "Lutheran" any of that is, but that is probably the short version of how much I gained from my short time with you in there in Texas. From the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU to you and Roxana and the rest of the group that I met. Over these last months I've struggled with why the Lord brought me down to Texas for such a short time, and one of the answers that I've come up with is that I couldn't have experienced this kind of spirituality anywhere else, and that the Lord meant it for my spiritual growth."
--Tonya Eza
"The teaching I've received from the team has been a true blessing for me. I've been able to develop a deeper personal prayer life and work more efficiently with my parish's healing and prayer ministry. I attended my first ‘class’ on healing prayer over two years ago and haven’t looked back since! The information and techniques I've learned have been extremely helpful in my ministry connections. To this day, I truly enjoy the complete peace and wellness I receive when I attend a soaking prayer gathering. I really appreciate the added bonus of having personal prophetic encouragement each time. This has always been enlightening and often times extremely helpful with personal matters. I try hard not to pass up any offering from this ministry as I always leave with more that what I came with."
--Trish Johnston, Good Shepherd Episcopal Church, Friendswood, Texas
"The healing and equipping ministry has been and continues to be a blessing to both by husband and me. We have experienced God's presence, healing power, and anointing through their workshops and monthly Soaking Prayer gatherings. XXXXX Ministries is simply carrying out the works that Christ intended for His body to put into action when He said, ‘Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father. And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.’ (John 14: 12-13) I highly recommend them to you. To God be the Glory!"
--Ruby Ruppert, Houston, Texas
"I sought out Pastor Steve and his team last year in an attempt to undo some of the lies and feelings of abandonment that resulted from the separation I experienced as a child from my biological mother and subsequent adoption. I had been living with the lie that I was a "walking mistake" - unwanted, unloved, and unworthy. These beliefs took their toll on my emotional well-being and showed up in the form of depression, loneliness, and troubled relationships. Through Theophostic Prayer Ministry, the team helped guide me to hear the voice of God regarding my past and the events surrounding my adoption. By hearing God speak to me about very specific early moments in my life, I could denounce the lies, accept His truth, and step out into the world with a free and happy heart. I've never been more at peace and I know it's a result of Theophostic Prayer Ministry, the soakings, and the individual prayers by Roxana and Pastor Steve."
--Will Little, Clear Lake, TX
"I am not a Lutheran but I have attended many of the workshops and prayer meetings conducted by Pastor Steve. If you are just "thinking" about going to one of their conferences and are timid because you don't know any one -- go anyway, someone will make you feel at home. The people that are around are all friendly and they are all ages too, young and old. Sometimes people think negatively about things offered at a Church, that it's all "preachy", but not from these guys! There is a difference between Church, religion and true spirituality. Go find out what it is really about!"
--Sr. Clare Benedict, OSF Secretary-General, Franciscan Order of the Divine Compassion
"Pastor, I must thank you and Roxanne for a truly wonderful weekend. I went with a lot of reservations, remember I am a doubting Thomas. But even before the Friday night introduction was over I was feeling more spiritual influence in my thinking and feeling, and by the time the weekend was over, I really feel I have had a "close encounter" with the Holy Spirit. God bless you three for the wonderful work you are doing."
--David Dunckel, St. Paul Lutheran Church, Big Spring, Texas
Let me take a moment now that we are six weeks out from our conference with you to express my gratitude to God for bringing the team to our church and community. Without doubt the Lord Jesus is moving through our church and you are a big part of that. As you know, we have been praying the entire year for the Holy Spirit to begin moving in our midst. The conference we had with you was a big breakthrough for us. Not only did we have physical and emotional healings, but we are now following up on those who received spiritual gifting from the Holy Spirit. Without doubt our congregation has a greater zeal for Jesus, for sharing Him with others, and an expectancy for God to move in our midst. Thank you again for coming to share the empowerment of the Holy Spirit with us at CCOH. If I can answer any questions for others who are considering to have you in their church, please send them my way.
Yours in the peace, power, and purpose of Jesus,
Jeff Wuertz
Pastor, CCOH
Some comments from the Holy Spirit Weekend at Victory Lutheran Church, Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada:
- "I felt such an opening of my mind to new spiritual truths!"
- "It was an epiphany experience showing us what we are supposed to do with it (power of the Holy Spirit) and that we are entitled to do this."
- "They were so gentle -just regular people."
- "It truly was spiritual renewal for us as individuals but collective spiritual renewal for our church."
- "Thank you God for bringing this team to us."
"As a life-long Lutheran and now a pastor for 14 years, I was uncertain what to expect when Pastor Steve and the team came to our congregation to lead a workshop. We have always believed in prayer, in healing, in God's power working through His people. However, we have always felt more comfortable compartmentalizing God, allowing Him to often, only work thorough our accepted norms. Over the two day event we were led through God's Words of Scripture and in prayer. Over the two day event we had many people come to better understand the power of God when we remove the restrictions. Many of those who attended came away with a richer appreciation of letting God be God and the value of opening ourselves up to be recipients of His blessings. We say we believe in miracles. Through our Healing Prayer time we were able to reaffirm the true power of God to grant miracles and heal His people as He desires. Thank you Steve and Roxana – you were a blessing from God for us."
-- Rev. Bill Lowrey, Sr. Pastor, Holy Cross Lutheran Church - Arlington, TX
"This is remarkable! We get to talk about the Holy Spirit AND it’s in a Lutheran setting! Usually, in my experience, it’s only one or the other. I have been a pastor in the Lutheran Church— Missouri Synod since1994. My S.T.M. work was on Dr. Martin Luther’s teaching on sanctification; and I have always been interested in the work of the Holy Spirit, but from a solidly Lutheran perspective. I am more skeptical than most when it comes to the more flaky Charismatic stuff of the Enthusiasts, or "schwarmerei" as Luther calls them. These are the people, he says, who act like they’ve "swallowed the Holy Spirit feathers and all." That’s why I was so pleased to find out about Pastor Steve Stutz and his ministry team. I have been to their workshop on healing prayer and their workshop on the Holy Spirit. Both of these workshops were encouraging in the work of the Holy Spirit AND done in an environment that is "safe for LCMS Lutherans." That is not to say that you won’t be challenged, because you definitely will be! But isn’t that what you want in a really good workshop? They offer something that challenges you to grow but doesn’t take you off the deep end! I have served on the Texas District Commission on Prayer and Spiritual Formation for the last few years with Steve, and I highly encourage everyone to consider prayerfully this wonderful resource. What a blessing!
--Rev. Ernie Bernet, Pastor, St. Mark Lutheran Church – Mineral Wells, TX
"This was a blessing for our ministry at St. John. It is time Lutherans take prayer for the sick and the work of the Holy Spirit seriously. First of all, and of first importance, the team spoke clearly the Word of God in everything they proposed before doing anything else. Nothing they said or did was not rooted in the Word and yes--even our Confessions! My people really did not know what to expect and were pleasantly surprised at the gentle and loving way the whole team taught and worked among us. The Lord showed up, but not in the ways people expect when they think of healing ministry, but with peace, quietness, and faith. When Naaman the Syrian showed up to Elisha for healing he expected him to wave his hands and says something but instead he simply told Namaan, “Go and wash.” In the same way they were just as simple and just as trusting in the Lord and His Word to accomplish his work among us. Pastor Steve can be a blessing to your parish as well."
---Rev. Charles R. Miller, St. John Lutheran Church, Lake Charles, LA
"We thank you so much for coming and sharing your lives and your ministry with us. As we seek to follow the will of the Father, our hearts and minds needed to be open to the works and words of the Holy Spirit. I was very impressed with your use of Scripture and common sense to help us prepare to listen to the Spirit. We had a number of people who were profoundly touched during this weekend. It is our fervant hope to have you back sometime to teach us further. Right now we will begin taking "baby steps" by developing a time of "soaking prayer" here at St. Paul. Jesus said he would build his church and the gates of hell would not prevail against it. For this church to thrive it has to be His work. Many blessings on your ministry."
--Rev. Wayne K. Frost, St. Paul Lutheran Church, Big Spring, Texas
"Twenty-seven years ago I was diagnosed with scoliosis and spinal stenosis. I’ve been to spine specialists, had spinal steroid injections, physical therapy, chiropractic and acupuncture. Nothing seemed to help and the condition worsened. Every couple of years I made the rounds of the spine specialists to see if there were any new treatments. About 10 yrs. ago I became resigned to the effects of my condition and its limitations. Strangely, I was not praying for healing during this time but reasoned that maybe God was telling me, like he told Paul, that he was not going to remove the thorn in the flesh but that his grace is sufficient.
Something changed at the Holy Spirit Conference in October. I began to believe that I could be healed so I started praying with great expectancy for what God could do. I went up for prayer twice at the conference and in the following weeks healers from our prayer team prayed over me twice. At first I didn’t feel any change. But after a few weeks I began to notice that I was able to do some things I haven’t done in a long time without pain. During this time God spoke to me in my spirit about going back to physical therapy again to strengthen my core muscles and the muscles that support my back. I believe that through this choice God is healing me.
Recently I read a quote that stated “the Holy Spirit is the source of physical strength and health, but there is something far higher than divine healing, and that is divine health. It is one thing to have the Lord touch us until we are delivered from our infirmities, but it is another thing to have Him possess us with His life, and our life become His life manifest in our mortal flesh.” I now feel that joy of the Lord in my life. I’ve discovered that the cure for complacency is to pray with great expectancy. If you don’t expect God to move, he won’t."
--Janet Swenson, testimony from conference at CCOH
"Pastor Steve and his team bring a truly biblical message of what it means to be intimate with God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Personally, my relationship with Christ and awareness of the Holy Spirit has deepened from attending the conference and soaking prayer. Their genuineness and experience of walking intimately with the Lord enriches each session. Many thanks for all the lives you touch with God's message."
--Jadi Meyer, Christ the King Church, Kingwood, Texas
"Pastor Steve and team, we have had many wonderful comments about the time you spent with us and the wonderful ministry you have. As you may remember we also had Pastor Bill Christianson spend 5 days with us looking at our church, teaching classes on pastoral care and conflict resolution. There were many tie-ins to the foundations laid out by you in truly connecting with the power of the Holy Spirit and our future as a church. We have held two prayer and share meetings where people have expressed joy over the opportunity to share the work of the Holy Spirit several saying that though they had the gift of tongues they had been afraid to tell anyone in our church about it --unbelievable but the Devil is indeed a powerful force. Thank you for the information about speaking in tongues as we have many questions and are truly trying to obey God's will for us one day at a time. As you probably know there is much distrust in our church and so we are trying to be a gentle as possible. Personally, your time with us has been like a watershed of possibilities and yet I feel so calm and confident in the power of the Holy Spirit and pray each day to simply be obedient to God's leading and direction. Today Martha, Eleanor and I are going to meet with Pastor Shane to let him know how successful the conference was and to see how he is doing. There is a lot of things happening at the church and Pastor Jay has been very careful to lead the congregation forward and direct them to have a more personal relationship with Jesus and focus on what is truly important in the life of a church. We hope you had a successful trip to Africa and are glad you are home safe and sound there is so much work for your team to do here and we pray that doors and hearts will continue to open to you."
--Carol Piea, Victory Lutheran Church, Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada
"I was introduced to Pastor Steve Stutz and his ministry team through my own pastor when I served as a deaconess in Groves, Texas. We were interested in starting an Alpha class at our church and visited Pastor Steve to find out how he had introduced Alpha and how it was going for his church. Little did I know that meeting this group of people would change my spiritual life completely around. Over the course of time that I was in Texas, I was able to attend soaking prayer times at Good Shepherd many times. I discovered that this kind of quiet, contemplative prayer in communion with my Lord was exactly what I needed and was more meaningful to me than all of the years of formulaic prayers that I have been taught to say. The pastor of my home church was also very impressed with it, and we introduced our own version of soaking prayer at our church in Groves, which I understand is continuing even though I am no longer serving with them. Through this kind of Christian meditation, I also gained an appreciation for individual confession and absolution, which before then had been something foreign to my Lutheran upbringing. At one point there was some turmoil going on in my life, and I trusted Pastor Steve enough, through the time I'd spent with him and the others in soaking prayer, to allow him to hear my confession. What a wonderful relief it was to have him speak the words of absolution to me! And with my sin personally absolved, how much closer did I feel that night to my Lord in prayer! Circumstances have now landed me in Virginia, and in this time I remember the teaching that I received in how to still my soul and listen for God's voice, although I truly miss the community that I experienced in soaking prayer and the words of encouragement I received so many times from the members of Good Shepherd's prayer team. I truly pray that the Lord would continue to bless this and that this revival of ancient Christian spirituality would continue to take root within the Lutheran church. I don't know how "Lutheran" any of that is, but that is probably the short version of how much I gained from my short time with you in there in Texas. From the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU to you and Roxana and the rest of the group that I met. Over these last months I've struggled with why the Lord brought me down to Texas for such a short time, and one of the answers that I've come up with is that I couldn't have experienced this kind of spirituality anywhere else, and that the Lord meant it for my spiritual growth."
--Tonya Eza
"The teaching I've received from the team has been a true blessing for me. I've been able to develop a deeper personal prayer life and work more efficiently with my parish's healing and prayer ministry. I attended my first ‘class’ on healing prayer over two years ago and haven’t looked back since! The information and techniques I've learned have been extremely helpful in my ministry connections. To this day, I truly enjoy the complete peace and wellness I receive when I attend a soaking prayer gathering. I really appreciate the added bonus of having personal prophetic encouragement each time. This has always been enlightening and often times extremely helpful with personal matters. I try hard not to pass up any offering from this ministry as I always leave with more that what I came with."
--Trish Johnston, Good Shepherd Episcopal Church, Friendswood, Texas
"The healing and equipping ministry has been and continues to be a blessing to both by husband and me. We have experienced God's presence, healing power, and anointing through their workshops and monthly Soaking Prayer gatherings. XXXXX Ministries is simply carrying out the works that Christ intended for His body to put into action when He said, ‘Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father. And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.’ (John 14: 12-13) I highly recommend them to you. To God be the Glory!"
--Ruby Ruppert, Houston, Texas
"I sought out Pastor Steve and his team last year in an attempt to undo some of the lies and feelings of abandonment that resulted from the separation I experienced as a child from my biological mother and subsequent adoption. I had been living with the lie that I was a "walking mistake" - unwanted, unloved, and unworthy. These beliefs took their toll on my emotional well-being and showed up in the form of depression, loneliness, and troubled relationships. Through Theophostic Prayer Ministry, the team helped guide me to hear the voice of God regarding my past and the events surrounding my adoption. By hearing God speak to me about very specific early moments in my life, I could denounce the lies, accept His truth, and step out into the world with a free and happy heart. I've never been more at peace and I know it's a result of Theophostic Prayer Ministry, the soakings, and the individual prayers by Roxana and Pastor Steve."
--Will Little, Clear Lake, TX
"I am not a Lutheran but I have attended many of the workshops and prayer meetings conducted by Pastor Steve. If you are just "thinking" about going to one of their conferences and are timid because you don't know any one -- go anyway, someone will make you feel at home. The people that are around are all friendly and they are all ages too, young and old. Sometimes people think negatively about things offered at a Church, that it's all "preachy", but not from these guys! There is a difference between Church, religion and true spirituality. Go find out what it is really about!"
--Sr. Clare Benedict, OSF Secretary-General, Franciscan Order of the Divine Compassion
"Pastor, I must thank you and Roxanne for a truly wonderful weekend. I went with a lot of reservations, remember I am a doubting Thomas. But even before the Friday night introduction was over I was feeling more spiritual influence in my thinking and feeling, and by the time the weekend was over, I really feel I have had a "close encounter" with the Holy Spirit. God bless you three for the wonderful work you are doing."
--David Dunckel, St. Paul Lutheran Church, Big Spring, Texas
Image credit: rido / 123RF Stock Photo