Why Pastors Leave the Ministry
by Fuller Institute, George Barna and Pastoral Care Inc.

- 90% of the pastors report working between 55 to 75 hours per week.
- 80% believe pastoral ministry has negatively affected their families. Many pastor's children do not attend church now because of what the church has done to their parents.
- 33% state that being in the ministry is an outright hazard to their family.
- 75% report significant stress-related crisis at least once in their ministry.
- 90% feel they are inadequately trained to cope with the ministry demands.
- 50% feel unable to meet the demands of the job.
- 70% say they have a lower self-image now than when they first started.
- 70% do not have someone they consider a close friend.
- 40% report serious conflict with a parishioner at least once a month.
- 33% confess having involved in inappropriate sexual behavior with someone in the church .
- 50% have considered leaving the ministry in the last months.
- 50% of the ministers starting out will not last 5 years.
- 1 out of every 10 ministers will actually retire as a minister in some form.
- 94% of clergy families feel the pressures of the pastor's ministry.
- 66% of church members expect a minister and family to live at a higher moral standard than themselves.
- Moral values of a Christian is no different than those who consider themselves as non-Christians.
- The average American will tell 23 lies a day.
- The profession of "Pastor" is near the bottom of a survey of the most-respected professions, just above "car salesman".
- Over 4,000 churches closed in America last year.
- Over 1,700 pastors left the ministry every month last year.
- Over 1,300 pastors were terminated by the local church each month , many without cause.
- Over 3,500 people a day left the church last year.
- Many denominations report an "empty pulpit crisis". They cannot find ministers willing to fill positions.
#1 reason pastors leave the ministry - Church people are not willing to go the same direction and goal of the pastor. Pastor's believe God wants them to go in one direction but the people are not willing to follow or change.
Did you see yourself in any of those groups? Does that worry you? Which way are you leaning--stay or go?
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The truth is this: if you continue to do what you’re currently doing, to think what you’re currently thinking, then you’re going to continue to only get more of the same results you already have. If you’re completely happy and satisfied with every aspect of your life, that’s wonderful! You don’t need me at all. But if you’re not living your dreams, then we really should talk soon!
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Have a great day and thanks for stopping by!
Statistics provided by The Fuller Institute, George Barna, and Pastoral Care Inc.
Here’s your first step… let’s get together via phone or Skype for a complementary strategy session! We’ll spend time getting an accurate, unbiased picture of where you’re at right now, get crystal clear on what you want to be, do, and have, identify what is holding you back, and talk about some ways of getting you to the goal line that will make the journey both enjoyable and transformational.The best news is that our session is completely FREE and there’s absolutely NO obligation!
The truth is this: if you continue to do what you’re currently doing, to think what you’re currently thinking, then you’re going to continue to only get more of the same results you already have. If you’re completely happy and satisfied with every aspect of your life, that’s wonderful! You don’t need me at all. But if you’re not living your dreams, then we really should talk soon!
Click here to instantly schedule a complementary strategy session with me.
Looking forward to talking with you soon! If you’d like to see what I’m talking about or doing right now, connect with me on Facebook or Twitter or LinkedIn!
Have a great day and thanks for stopping by!
Statistics provided by The Fuller Institute, George Barna, and Pastoral Care Inc.
Image credit: stockbroker / 123RF Stock Photo